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Employee Communication

A valuable way to use 4Intranets.com is to communicate with your employees. Perhaps you want to post a memo company-wide. You can simply post it on your intranet home page where your employees are sure to read it. You also have the option of sending each employee an e-mail.

Our satisfied customers state many other uses for our Employee Communication tool:

You can save hundreds of dollars in printing, collating and mailing by creating online newsletters to communicate to those in your organization. Perhaps you want to communicate important information between newsletters. You have an option of communication to all employees, specific groups or specific departments.

Announce New Company Benefits or Policies
When a change occurs in a healthcare policy or a 401K, you need to inform your employees immediately. This feature allows you to communicate the change and include a link to any necessary forms.

Post your Employee Handbooks, Policy Manual and Benefits information on this site, and whenever there is a change to this information, simply send out a memo to your staff, and update the documents on line.


Post Project Team Status
Perhaps you have several individuals, each at different locations working on a team project. With the Employee Communication tool, you can post weekly updates on the status of a project.

The bottom line is that everyone wants to know the latest news. It makes for happier employees, and more efficient employees. 4Intranets.com Employee Communication feature allows your business to transmit information and operate more efficiently.