Whether you're scheduling a company asset such as a conference
room, or perhaps the company yacht, the Asset Scheduling enhancement keeps all
the scheduling in one central location. When scheduling a meeting, 4Intranets.com
allows you to first check on availability of a conference room, then
availability of all attendees either from your office, or remotely.
You can schedule a specific date and time for a company function while you
are in a meeting, or at the airport. Time that was once down-time becomes
productive. You will no longer have to wait to speak with an administrative
assistant who has responsibility for scheduling a specific meeting room. The
asset scheduling information is available 24 hours a day, from anywhere in the
world, using a simple web browser.
Whatever your company assets are-- conference rooms, lunch room, audio-visual
equipment, sporting event tickets---the availability can be placed on 4Intranets.com. As with our other functions, it can be accessed by only certain
individuals such as CEOs and Administrative Assistants, or you can allow access
to the entire company.
Once the asset is reserved, you can then send each attendee a reminder about
the date and time of the meeting of event through our Employee
Communication feature.